Whole Wheat Pasta – Homemade & Handmade from Start to Finish

Perfection Goodbye!!….Puzzled?? Seems like I am writing the wrong text at the wrong window??? Not exactly 🙂 Perfection GoodBye is the thought process behind my post today. Why? Because this topic echoes the emotions of a woman who undergoes stress each day to achieve that elusive fruit called perfection. Perfect cook; Perfect mother, perfect wife, Perfect daughter-in-law, Perfect professional, perfect human being and Perfect whatnot!!! Read on…


Finally, I have made it! After N number of disappointing attempts at making nankhatais, I have made the ones that fulfilled my criteria. They are soft and crumbly and most importantly have a little hollow inside, which is exactly how I liked them during my childhood.

A small insight

Sharing my life with you x

Bunny Kitchen

Exploring the possibilities of cruelty free food