Singhara (Water Chestnut) Pulao

Singhara Pulao

This one is a lovely meal that my mom makes during this season when Singhara (Waterchestnut or Panifal) is available in the vegetable markets. It is quick to make once the singharas are peeled.

Tangy Spicy Kundru Bhat (Ivy Gourd Rice)

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s been a while since I left my job. Yet weekend brings the same kind of lethargic feeling which comes after slogging away through the whole week. Not that I get to sit with my manicured hands as a homemaker :-), but admittedly the pressure on my head is much low now and the whistle … Continue reading

A small insight

Sharing my life with you x

Bunny Kitchen

Exploring the possibilities of cruelty free food